PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates: All States

The PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training, a transformative initiative by the Government of India, aims to equip skilled workers with the necessary training and resources to excel in their respective fields. This article provides a comprehensive overview of PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates, focusing on the key aspects, including eligibility, training process, training period, centers, and more.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates.

On our blog Hindi Techniques, we give information about similar government schemes. PM Vishwakarma Yojana is also a government scheme. In our previous articles, we told you about PM Vishwakarma Yojana Documents requirements and PM Vishwakarma Yojana Forms Last Date. Similarly, today in this article we will talk about PM Vishwakarma Yojana’s training dates. So friends, let’s start the article.

Before starting the article, let us tell you that PM Vishwakarma Yojana training is a process in which trained people hired by the government will give training to all the applicants. Will give complete information about the type of work the applicant wants to do. At the same time, we will also show it practically. During this training period, the applicant will get a payment of ₹ 500 per day. Apart from this, there are many other questions which are related to PM Vishwakarma Yojana training. We have discussed all those questions one by one in this article. Some of which we have given below.

Related Questions.

  • What is the main objective of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training?
  • Who is eligible to participate in the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training program?
  • What is the training process of PM Vishwakarma Yojana?
  • Vishwakarma Yojana Training Period.
  • When will start Vishwakarma Yojana training?
  • PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates.
  • Vishwakarma Yojana Training Centers and Locations.
  • How long does the training program typically last?
  • How to get PM Vishwakarma Yojana training certificate
  • Difference between Basic Skill Training and Advanced Skill Training under the Vishwakarma Yojana.

Main Objective of PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training.

The main objective of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training is to empower individuals with essential skills and knowledge in various trades, promoting self-employment, and enhancing employability. Here is a table summarizing the main objectives of the program:

Main Objectives of PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training
1. Skill Development: Provide skill-based training to individuals in different trades to enhance their proficiency.
2. Promote Self-Employment: Encourage participants to become self-employed by fostering entrepreneurship and enabling them to start their businesses.
3. Boost Employability: Equip trainees with industry-relevant skills, making them more attractive candidates for potential employers.
4. Empower Youth: Target the youth population, especially those in rural areas, to provide them with opportunities for skill enhancement and economic independence.
5. Economic Growth: Contribute to the overall economic growth of the nation by creating a skilled workforce capable of meeting industry demands.
6. Reduce Unemployment: Mitigate unemployment by offering training programs that bridge the skills gap and facilitate job placement.
7. Promote Inclusivity: Ensure that individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds have access to skill development opportunities.

Eligibility for PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training

Eligibility criteria for the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training program may vary slightly depending on specific guidelines and updates from the government. However, here are some common eligibility criteria for PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training:

  1. Age Limit: Applicants are often required to be within a certain age group, typically between 18 to 35 years. This can vary, so it’s essential to check the specific program’s age criteria.
  2. Educational Qualifications: Some programs may require a minimum educational qualification, such as completing high school or having a certain level of literacy and numeracy skills. However, many skill development programs aim to be inclusive and may not have strict educational requirements.
  3. Residential Status: Applicants may need to be residents of the particular state or region where the training program is being conducted. Some programs prioritize local residents to benefit the community.
  4. Preference for Specific Groups: In some cases, there may be preferences for specific groups, such as women, differently-abled individuals, or veterans, to encourage their participation in skill development programs.
  5. Applicant Registration: Eligible candidates usually have to register for the program through the official application process. This may involve providing personal information, educational qualifications, and other required details.

Training Process of PM Vishwakarma Yojana.

Training Process of PM Vishwakarma Yojana
Training Process of PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The training process under the Vishwakarma Yojana involves both basic and advanced skill training. It encompasses hands-on training in various trades, equipping participants with industry-relevant skills and knowledge. The training curriculum adheres to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) standards, ensuring high-quality education.

Vishwakarma Yojana Training Period

The duration of Vishwakarma Yojana training can vary based on the specific program and level. As you know, there are different types of training for different jobs. But normally under PM Vishwakarma Yojana, every artisan will be given 40 hours of training. If he gets two hours of training daily, he will be trained continuously for 20 days. If someone is given four hours of training daily, he will be given continuous training for 10 days. Along with this, ₹ 500 will be given daily to every artisan during training.

When Will Vishwakarma Yojana Training Start?

There is no fixed date for starting the training of PM Vishwakarma Yojana. But as soon as the form filling starts and the fixed number of applicants for PM Vishwakarma Yojana is completed, training centers will be started. These training centers will be started about 1 month after the start of the form.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates
PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates will be different in different states. There has been no official announcement yet. But after around 20th October, PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates will be launched on the official website. Training dates will be different for all types of work. This process will last for about 1 year and in this process, all those applicants who have filled out its forms will get the benefit.

Vishwakarma Yojana Training Centers and Locations

The Government, in collaboration with the National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) and the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME), has established training centers across the country. If there is a big hall or a big event organized ground in any district, then its training centers will be built there. Apart from this, there is a possibility of setting up its training centers in big auditoriums located in the Collectorate.

Right now there is no announcement regarding this on the official website. However, according to experts, its training centers will be kept at many places in a district. Which will be divided on the basis of tasks. For example, all the artisans related to sewing will be given training in one place. Apart from this, applicants related to other work will be given training at a different place. In this way, about two or three centers will be formed in one district.

Duration of the Training Program

The duration of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana training program has been kept at 40 hours. Now how these 40 hours will be distributed will be known in the coming time. If an applicant is given daily training for 2 hours, then he will have to take training continuously for 20 days. If an applicant is given daily training for 4 hours, then he will have to take continuous training for about 10 days. But the fixed period of their training will be only 40 hours.

Apart from this, if there is any change in the duration of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana training program, then we will inform you through our website Hindi Techniques.

How to Obtain PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Certificate

Upon successful completion of the training program, participants are awarded a PM Vishwakarma Yojana certificate. This certification is a testament to their newly acquired skills and can enhance their employability. The certificate is typically issued by the National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD).

To get the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Certificate, you will have to contact your trainer. Or you will have to go to the official website of PM Vishwakarma Yojana write your registration number and download the PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Certificate from there.

Difference Between Basic and Advanced Skill Training

Here’s a outline the key differences between Basic Skill Training and Advanced Skill Training under the PM Vishwakarma Yojana:

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates

Aspect Basic Skill Training Advanced Skill Training
Nature of Training Foundation-level skills training. Higher-level, specialized training.
Targeted Skills Focuses on essential, entry-level skills. Targets specific, advanced skills.
Training Duration Typically shorter in duration (e.g., weeks). Longer and more comprehensive (e.g., months).
Eligibility Criteria Open to a broader range of candidates, often with minimal educational requirements. May require specific educational qualifications or prior experience in the chosen field.
Curriculum Complexity Covers the basics of a trade or profession. In-depth curriculum tailored to specific industries or professions.
Employment Opportunities Prepares candidates for entry-level jobs. Enhances employability in higher-paying positions or specialized roles.
Training Centers Basic training centers are more widespread. Advanced training centers may be fewer but strategically located.
Stipend/Support Provides a stipend or financial support to candidates during training. May offer higher stipends due to longer training periods and specialized skills.
Certification Offers basic certification upon completion. Grants advanced certification, often recognized at a higher level.
Career Advancement A starting point for skill development and career growth. Facilitates career progression in specialized fields or industries.
Example Basic carpentry or plumbing training. Advanced welding, CNC machining, or healthcare specialization.

These differences highlight that Basic Skill Training serves as a foundation for individuals entering the workforce, while Advanced Skill Training is designed for those seeking specialization and career advancement in specific industries or professions.


The PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training is a remarkable initiative that plays a pivotal role in upskilling and empowering India’s skilled workforce. Offering comprehensive training programs, it not only benefits individuals but also contributes significantly to the nation’s economic growth and development. With the availability of training centers and a well-structured curriculum, this program is a beacon of hope for those seeking to enhance their skills and excel in their chosen fields.


Vishwakarma Yojana Training dates are usually announced on the official website or through relevant government authorities. Keep an eye on official announcements for updates.

Basic skill training under the Vishwakarma Yojana typically spans 40 hours, providing essential skills and knowledge in the chosen trade.

Yes, the PM Vishwakarma Yojana certificate is typically recognized by employers and can enhance your chances of securing employment or pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.

Information about training centers and their locations can be obtained from the official website or by contacting program authorities. They will guide you to the nearest center based on your location.

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( PM Vishwakarma Yojana Training Dates )

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